Our Services
Fuel Oil Spills
Despite urbanization, many urban and rural residents use fuel oil for heating in Canada. As per Statistics Canada (2011), there are approximately 1,026,081 residential fuel oil tanks in Canada, half of which are in Ontario. Residential fuel oil spills can have devastating consequences for the environment, the people affected, as well as a high economical impact for those parties footing the costs.
The authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) and the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) define the regulation that the fuel oil industry must follow and the installation and maintenance code respectively. Significant debate and court cases have shaped the way forensic investigation into oil spills has evolved over the last 10 years, our team of experts has had a front row seat in every step of this evolution either as part of the AHJ, as members of the CSA technical committee as well as by investigating hundreds of spills on the field.
Fuel oil spills are caused by several reasons including manufacturing defects, installation deficiencies, inadequate maintenance, corrosion, amongst many other. Oil spill investigations are lengthy and complex, they involve many parties such as insurance companies, adjusters, AHJ, oil suppliers, tank manufacturers, environmental cleanup, forensic experts, lawyers, etc. As a result, knowledge and expertise are critical in these time sensitive investigations.
Types of investigation
- Codes, Standards, Specifications
- Break & Enter Investigations
- Equipment and Mechanical Systems
- Expert Witness Litigation Support
- Insurance Fraud Investigations
- Metallurgical and Corrosion Failures
- Personal Injury
- Plastic Failures
- Plumbing Failures
- Product Failure Analysis
- Product Liability
- Sprinkler Systems
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Experts in this field

Dinu Matei
Senior Consulting Forensic Engineer, Materials Engineering

Eduardo Mari
Fire Protection Practice Lead & Materials Forensic Engineer

Paul Emadi
Forensic Engineer

Tristan Delorme
Forensic Engineer