Our Services
Product Liability
The manufacturers or distributors of goods have exposure when their products fail and may need to compensate third parties for damages or injuries suffered.
We help our clients by finding the answers to crucial liability questions. We put a lawyer’s hand on the pulse of the case by providing a clear grasp of the technical facts, a comprehensive understanding of the relevant specifications, codes and the standard of care involved. We can also help our clients create a good picture of whether it is in their best interest to pursue litigation or is it time to settle the case; sometimes the facts are not on the client’s side, no matter how much everyone wants them to be.
Our investigators and engineers have a wealth of experience presenting to judges, juries, arbitrators and committees. They know what verbal markers laypeople need to fully appreciate the nuances of an incident. At the same time, they can explain events and consequences to more specialized audiences. Most importantly, they know how to maintain their credibility by delivering the facts without a hint of bias.
Types of investigation
- Plastic Failures
- Plumbing Failures
- Product Failure Analysis
- Sprinkler Systems
- Codes, Standards, Specifications
- Break & Enter Investigations
- Equipment and Mechanical Systems
- Expert Witness Litigation Support
- Fuel Oil Spills
- Insurance Fraud Investigations
- Metallurgical and Corrosion Failures
- Personal Injury
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Experts in this field

Dinu Matei
Senior Consulting Forensic Engineer, Materials Engineering

Eduardo Mari
Fire Protection Practice Lead & Materials Forensic Engineer

Paul Emadi
Forensic Engineer

Tristan Delorme
Forensic Engineer