News Post

Hurricane Fiona: Mobilized and Ready to Help

September 23, 2022

As Nova Scotians prepare for Hurricane Fiona, we are mobilized and ready to serve your policyholders. Here is a list of services we are ready to offer immediately. We hope everyone stays safe.

Civil, Structural and Geotechnical Examinations:
We can help assess building structural integrity and geotechnical shifting; design shoring systems to stabilize and repair unsafe structures; as well as provide repair/rebuild drawings.

Mechanical Equipment Assessments:
We can help with the damage assessment and remediation/replacement of mechanical equipment such as HVAC, air handling, plumbing, elevators, and industrial equipment.

Electrical Equipment Installations:
We can help with electrical infrastructure and equipment damage assessment and remediation/replacement for building power supply and distribution; fire protection equipment; communication, life safety, alarm and lighting systems; and industrial equipment

Drone Inspections:
Our drone team has extensive experience in large CAT losses. We can provide commercial and industrial property assessments with measurements; macro level damage assessments of whole neighbourhoods and large complexes; and fly in unsafe spaces such as crawl spaces and basements.


Mazen Habash, President
(416) 918-6672

Peter Hamilton, Atlantic Canada Manager
(902) 240-8395

George Costandi
National Sales & Marketing Director
(647) 393-2846

After Hours: 1-866-931-0572
Toll-Free: 1-888-624-3473