
years experience

Dinu Matei

Senior Consulting Forensic Engineer, Materials Engineering


M.Sc., P.Eng., Consulting Engineer

Types of Cases & Investigations:



(905) 648-5522


(416) 300-2865

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Dinu is a Lead Engineer with more than 30 years experience in the industry, including more than 23 years in Mechanical, Materials, Product, and Equipment Failure Investigations. Dinu has been the lead investigator on more than 2,500 complex and multidisciplinary investigations in those fields for the insurance industry, risk managers, law firms, manufacturing companies, and private clients. Dinu is a Registered Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario, is designated as a Consulting Engineer, and has been qualified as an expert witness in the Court of King’s Bench of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.


Dinu has participated in 23 multi-national projects which resulted in the development of new materials and processes. He has taught at undergraduate and graduate levels on materials science and engineering and on failure analysis, and is an active mentor for engineers in training. Dinu is a member of the American Society for Metals (ASM International), American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP, formerly known as NACE, National Association of Corrosion Engineers). Throughout his career, Dinu has delivered both technical papers and presentations at several international conferences on materials science and engineering.


Dinu’s experience and expertise is in a variety of complex metallic and non-metallic (plastic) materials/mechanical failures, mechanical systems and equipment failures, product liability, corrosion, oil spills, residential and commercial plumbing systems and appliances failures, personal injuries associated with product failures, break and entries, insurance fraud, and sprinkler system failures.